05 August 2010

My best buddy, the bench scraper

Combine one of these: Bench. Pastry. Dough. Board. With any of these: Scraper. Lifter. Cutter. Knife. I've heard every single combination to describe this handy tool, but I stick with bench scraper. I find it to be the most versatile tool, and therefore the most valuable. Even though the blade is dull, it is able to cut many things. I love it for nuts and butter. It can slide over or scoop up ingredients. Use it to whack things, like garlic. Divide and cut dough, or use it instead of a wheel. It can be a measuring tool, and many models have inch marks right on the blade. When you're all done, it scrapes off all the gunk on your bench with only the aid of hot water. Many different handles are available, including wood, metal, silicone, and plastic. There are straight, rounded, and curved blades. I prefer the plain Dexter version. It doesn't wear out my palm, is sturdy, dishwasher safe, and just feels right. You will find this easily in every bakery for a reason.

1 comment:

  1. I remember the first day of pastry school, we all looked down our noses at the bench scrappers. Our teacher told us we'd be fighting over them by the end, and we didn't believe her...

    ...man, she was right.
